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Simple & Delicious Pasta Recipe by KooKingK

Yields4 ServingsPrep Time15 minsCook Time30 minsTotal Time45 mins

Simple & Delicious Pasta

 1 1/2 Cup Pasta
 4 to 5 Triangle Cheese
 1 Glass Milk
 4 to 5 tbsp Olive Oil
 1/2 Cup Mushrooms
 1/2 Cup Black olives
 1 Capsicum
 1 Cup Sweet Corn
 1 1/2 tsp Black pepper
 1 tsp Oregano
 1 tsp Salt
 1 Cup Tomato puree
 1 tbsp Garlic
 1 tbsp Soy sauce
To Boil:

To make Simple & Delicious Pasta first, take a large pot to add 4 glass of water with 1 tablespoon of salt and 4 tablespoons of oil. Cover and bring it to boil. Once the water boil then add pasta and cook for 20 minutes. When its perfectly boil rinse and set aside.

For Sauce:

Take another pot add Olive oil. When the oil heat enough add chopped garlic and stir for 2 minutes then add tomato puree and cook until the oil oozes out.


Now add capsicum,olives, mushrooms and sweet corn and mix it well. Then add black pepper, oregano, salt and soy sauce stir it well. Add milk and cheese and cover and cook until cheese melt. After this add boiled pasta and mix it gently. Now simmer for 5 minutes.

Its ready to serve.

You can also try Creamy shrimp Pasta or checkout our Lunch Recipes

Nutrition Facts

Servings 4