Pizza Without Oven | Beef Tikka Pizza Recipe by KookingK

For Dough:
 2 Cups Plain Flour
 1/4 Cup Oil
 1/2 tsp Salt
 1 tbsp Sugar
 1 tspYeast
For Beef:
 200 g Boneless Beef
 1 tsp Coriander powder
 1 tsp Red chili powder
 1/2 tsp Turmeric powder
 1/2 tsp Garam masala powder
 1 tsp Garlic
 1 tsp Ginger
 1/4 Cup Yogurt
 1/2 tsp Food Color
 1 tsp Salt
 1/4 Cup Oil
Vegetable For Topping:
 1/2 Cup Mushrooms
 1/2 Cup Capsicum
 1/2 Cup Olives
 1 Sliced Onion
 1 Sliced Tomato
 1/2 Cup Pizza Sauce
 1/2 Cup Mozzarella
 1 tsp Oregano


How To Make Dough:

To make pizza dough first Mix together lukewarm water, sugar and yeast and stir it until completely dissolve and set aside for about 15 to 20 minutes, when you see froth forms on top that means Yeast is activated and it is ready to use.


In a large mixing bowl sift the plain flour and make a well in the middle then add salt and pour the oil with activated yeast into the well then bring the flour from sides by using your hands and swirl it into liquid and keep mixing until it combines then add 1/4 cup of warm water and combine it.


After that, Dust the counter with flour and start to knead it until you have a smooth and stretchy dough then place the dough into oiled bowl and cover and let it rest for about 2 hours in a warm place.


Two hours later, kneed it again for about 5 minutes. Pizza dough is ready you can use it immediately or keep into the freezer for up to 2 months.


Preparation Of Beef:

Take beef add garlic, ginger, red chili, turmeric, coriander, garam masala, salt, food colour, oil and yogurt then mix it up and leave it for about half an hour. Half an hour later, plcae the marinated beef into the pan stir it quickly, cook until the meat becomes tender and once the beef is tender remove it from flame and set aside.


Shape the Dough:

To shape the dough Take the half dough and flatten it with your hand on board then transfer into the pan, extend it according to your pan size.


Put pan over medium flame and cook each side for 1 minutes or until it turn into light golden colour then apply oil any side of dough and flip it (to prevent from sticking) then pinch it from fork to make holes.



Now, spread the Pizza Sauce evenly and Sprinkle the mozzarella cheese then top with Mushroom, capsicum, onion, olives, tomatoes then again sprinkle the mozzarella cheese with some oregano.


Cover and cook for about 10 minutes or until cheese becomes melt.

Beef Tikka Pizza without oven is ready.

For Pizza Sauce Click Here and also check out our Potao Wedges